These FAQs are about Shamanism itself. FAQs and information about Shamans Circle Cyprus, Triona Martin, and Shamanic Weddings, can be found elsewhere on this website.

What is shamanism?

Shamanism is the name anthropologists have chosen to give humanity`s most ancient spiritual practice. The word shamanism originates from a Siberian word `saman` which translated means the one who sees. In indigenous cultures and communities worldwide there is one, male or female, who is a healer, advisor, and psychopomp to his community and this person is known to us in the western culture as the shaman.

Even though the indigenous cultures are distanced by thousands of miles, a common thread in their ways has been noted i.e. the awareness of other realities, spirit helpers, plant medicine, altered states of consciousness and most importantly shamans of these cultures have always been aware of the connection of mind, body, and spirit in an individual’s journey to wholeness. The key aspect of shamanic practice is healing which comes from a place of compassion and pure intention. Western peoples can work with these ancient ways of living to enhance, heal and inform themselves and others on how to live more fully aware of the sacredness of all life forms and remember their connection to everything that is.

How can Shamanism help someone?

It can help anyone who is open to improving and changing their lives. For example persons who have experienced problems with emotional, physical, autoimmune, stress, anxiety, addictions, allergies, sexual, bereavement, or self esteem issues, have all benefited from Shamanic healing. They have gone on to live more fulfilled and happy lives.

Is shamanism a religion?

No. It is the essence of spirituality compatible with many belief systems. It is experiential. Shamanic terminology may be different, but the meaning is similar to the core essence of various beliefs.

I am a practicing Christian, is Shamanism compatible with my beliefs?

Over the years, many devout Christians including priests and nuns have worked with Triona in one to one healing sessions and have attended many of her workshops.

If I don`t believe, how can it help me?

We have experienced skeptics who left Shamanic sessions totally amazed with the information and healing they received.

What do I need to do, especially if I am currently having professional mainstream counselling or medical treatment?

We always recommend that you continue whatever therapy you are comfortable with. Over the years many psychotherapists have been on Triona`s workshops to learn alternative skills. As a point of note, doctors and psychotherapists even refer clients.

What is Shamanic Counselling?

This is a system of experiencing and reconnecting with other realities where help, guidance and healing can be obtained for ourselves. In a session with a shamanic counsellor a safe environment is created for the client to journey to meet his own spirit helpers and to connect with his own power to work with life changing issue. The client and counsellor firstly discuss what the client wishes to get help with and together they formulate the mission for the journey. Lying comfortably, with eyes closed, and to the sound of rhythmic drumming through earphones (which alters his state of consciousness gently) the client begins his journey and narrates his experience aloud onto tape. When the journey is over the client discusses relevant information with his counsellor and how it relates to his mission. The counsellor does not interpret the clients experience, merely assists him in his own realization. The teachings and information received are then worked with and incorporated into the client`s life.

What is Shamanic Healing?

In shamanic terms a person is “dis-eased” when there is power loss. If a person has been dis-empowered there may be symptoms such as recurring illness, repetition of mistakes, loss of memory, feelings of something being missing. Sometimes the way a person speaks is evidence of power loss, e.g.”… everything is going wrong lately, I haven`t been myself since.”., …”I feel part of me is missing”. It is the shamanic practitioner’s role to consult with his spirit helpers on the most appropriate help for his client. This may be power animal retrieval, soul retrieval or other healing work.

When there is a void present through power loss or soul loss, physical illness can fill that void and is known as an intrusion. Any physical disturbance will be seen by an experienced shamanic practitioner as misplaced energy and can be carefully and respectfully removed with the aid of his spirit helpers and replaced with healing power. The shamanic practitioner always works with the client and enables the client to be responsible for his own well-being with the assurance of support when needed.

What is Soul Retrieval?

The ceremony or ritual of soul retrieval is very empowering for a person to experience. The return of one’s soul part or essence can also bring with it a sense of wholeness, empowerment, and a new sense of peace and joy. When a person is whole, illness or dis-ease cannot intrude.

What is Psychopomp healing?

In Jungian psychology, the psychopomp is a mediator between the unconscious and conscious realms.

Another area of important shamanic work is with death and dying. When unnatural death occurs sometimes the deceased may be stuck between realities or on earth or even be still attached to a loved one. Soul loss can happen for the loved one because of this, or because they may have allowed part of themselves to go with the deceased through shock and grief. In this situation the shamanic practitioner works with his spirit helpers to release the deceased and so help them to continue their journey and also to retrieve the lost soul part and so enable the loved one to live more fully. Preparation for dying is very beautiful work for both the client and practitioner. The client can prepare for the process of closure on earth and rebirth to the next world in a wholesome and conscious way, which helps bring the client to a place of joy, peace, forgiveness and satisfaction.

How can I meet other people interested in learning about shamanism?

By joining our Drumming Circles. These circles are wonderful opportunities for like-minded practitioners of shamanism to come together to work for individual, group, earth healing and absent healing processes in a safe and supportive way.

By attending our workshops. Shamanic skills in ways of practice and healing can be experienced by attending workshops. To be part of a safe sacred contained circle is a good way to access guidance on the discipline and ethics of practicing shamanic techniques for others and ourselves. The real teachers are our own spirit helpers and the spirits of nature and through discipline and practice we can experience and learn from our teachers on how to live more wholesome lives in a healing and connected way from a place of joy. The basic workshop is a prerequisite for more advanced work. Topics covered in workshops are basic shamanic skills, healing skills, shamanic ritual, death and dying, soul retrieval, and healing circles. Working with the spirits of nature, the elements, and the four directions we can learn how we are all connected and benefit from the teachings of these spirits.

How can I become a Shamanic Practitioner?

A great way to achieve this is to attend the many workshops we run. This will help you to learn and practice shamanic skills with others.

What is the connection between shamanism and ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a drink made from two plants considered sacred by the indigenous people in South America. It is not necessary to use any mind altering substance to achieve a spiritual experience with shamanism. We strongly advise, to never take part in an ayahuasca ceremony without in-depth research. Delving into such practices can be dangerous especially if undertaken experimentally for entertainment. Due to the specialist skills and self-preparation required, even if the use of ayahuasca was legal outside South America, neither Shamans Circle nor Triona would facilitate its use. Please refer to this excellent article for further information so you can make an informed decision.

What books on shamanism do you recommend?

The way of the shaman - Michael Harner
Soul Retrieval - Sandra Ingerman
Manuals for living and dying - Stanislav Grof
Imagery in Healing - Jeanne Achterberg
The thirst for wholness - Cristina Grof
The stormy search for the self - Cristina and Stanislav Grof
Jung and shamanism in dialogue  - C Michael Smith
Shamanism - Mircea Eliade
The wounded healer - Joan Halifax
Shamanism as a spiritual practice for daily life - Tom Cowan
The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot