On this workshop we will Reunite Review and Renew to our new selves.

Old friends will Reunite and tap in to their personal power and the power of the circle.

This weekend workshop will include a Review of the Shamanic practitioner and counsellor skills through the medium of  personal journeys, and group journeys.

Nature will provide us with a space to prepare to Renew ourselves using the ancient ritual of the Vision Quest.

Dance, song, ritual and mandalas will assist us in this process to stepping into our  new power .

This workshop will take place on dates arranged with interested groups of 4 - 6 people and requirement for attendance is:

  • A deep working knowledge of shamanism.
  • Readiness to let go the old and embrace the new.
  • Having attended one to one work and training with Shamans Circle Centre.
  • Attendance at an induction meeting when all practical requirements will be discussed.